Uploaded on Feb 08, 2024

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Vlerick European EMBA | Building Resilient and Purposeful Organisations
Explore the European Executive MBA programme, featuring immersive trips across European cities focusing on diverse aspects of business management. From microeconomic policies in Brussels to sustainable finance in Paris, digital transformation in Dublin, workforce sustainability in Copenhagen, and sustainable supply chains in Zaragosa, each city offers unique insights. Currently in Copenhagen, the programme explores HR management under "Building Resilient and Purposeful Organisations," collaborating with renowned brands like Vaux, Lego, Salesforce, and Too Good To Go. Emphasising ESG principles, the programme integrates environmental and social factors into business strategies. Participants attest to its transformative impact on leadership and decision-making.

Join the MBA journey for continuous learning and growth.

For more information about the programme, please visit: https://vlrk.ly/4867yIZ
#Vlerick #VlerickMBA #ExecutiveMBA #MBA #LiveLearnLeap #sustainability
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