Uploaded on Feb 08, 2024

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Vlerick European EMBA - Copenhagen Immersion Trip
The participants find themselves at the midpoint of their journey, having completed residential modules in Brussels, Paris, and Dublin. Now fully immersed in Copenhagen, they explore the HR aspects of management through the module "Building Resilient and Purposeful Organisations." The atmosphere here is conducive for individuals, offering a safety net while affording companies flexibility in personnel management, fostering a dynamic labour market that fuels innovation. As individuals come together, inspiration ignites, experiences are shared, and connections are forged, facilitating introspection and learning tailored to individual and organisational contexts.

The international dimension of the programme is paramount, with almost half of the participants hailing from different countries and six immersion trips across five nations, encompassing a total of 30 days in international markets – a rarity in MBA programmes. Entrepreneurship, leadership, and action form the programme's core pillars, instilling participants with an entrepreneurial spirit, cultivating leadership qualities, and promoting a bias towards action.

This programme distinguishes itself with its European focus, emphasis on sustainability, and the profound transformative effect it has on participants, moulding future decision-makers poised to redefine the business landscape.

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